XXXIX. .Beyond the Roman Frontier Roman Influences on the Northern Barbaricum
- Anno: 2007
- Autore/i: AA.VV. Curato: Grane Th.
- Catalogo: Quasar
- Argomento: Archeologia classica
- Collana: Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. Supplementa
- ISBN: 88-7140-346-0

Collana: Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. Supplementa Vol. XXXIX
Numero Pagine: 168 - Illustrazioni: 68 ill. in b/n; 16 tavv. a colori
Sommario: Foreword; Th. Grane, Did the Roman Really Know (or Care) about Southern Scandinavia? An Archaeological Perspective; L.M. Imer, Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Northern Barbaricum; L. Maj-Britt Højberg Bjerg, Roman Coins - Evidence of Possible Nodal Points?; M. Drevs Dyhrfjeld-Johnsen, Roman Ideological Influences; T. Grane, Southern Scandinavian Foederati and Auxiliarii? U. Lund Hansen, Barbarians in the North - The Greatest Concentration of Roman Weaponry in Europe; X. Pauli Jensen, Preliminary Remarks on Roman Military Equipment from the Roman Weaponry in Europe; X. Pauli Jensen, Preliminary Remarks on the Roman Military Equipment from the War Booty Sacrifice of Vimose, Denmark; K. S. Hvid, Reconstruction of the North Germanic Armies AD 200; X. Pauli Jensen, The Use of Archers in the Northern Germanic Armies. Evidence from the Danish War Booty Sacrifices; S. Erik Albrethsen, Logistic Problems in Northern European Iron Age Warfare. Plates.